laugardagur, desember 02, 2006

Dagur 268 ár 3 (dagur 998, færzla nr. 491):

Vá, búinn að vera að þessu í 1000 daga. Og hvað hefur gerst á þessum 1000 dögum? Nú, ég fór oní helli, hvað meira? Vann hjá flytjanda, og á vellinum. Flutti oní kjallara í 101 svæðinu, þar sem ég komst að því að það er staðreynd að fólk á 101 svæðinu er verra en fólk úti á landi. Hvað átti það að þýða að siga löggunni á mig annars?


Sum lög eru ekki bara vitleysa:

Sturgeon's Law: Ninety percent of EVERYTHING is crud.

Albrecht's Law: Social innovations tend to the level of minimum tolerable well being.

Baer's Quartet: What's good politics is bad economics; what's bad politics is good economics; what's good economics is bad politics; what's bad economics is good politics.

Barrett's Laws of Driving:
1: You can get ANYWHERE in ten minutes if you go fast enough.
2: Speed bumps are of negligible effect when the vehicle exceeds triple the desired restraining speed.
3: The vehicle in front of you is traveling slower than you are.
4: This lane ends in 500 feet. (Þessi hefur þá komið til borgarinnar)

Borkowski's Law: You can't guard against the arbitrary.

Clarke's First Law: When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
Corollary (Asimov): When the lay public rallies round an idea that is denounced by distinguished but elderly scientists, and supports that idea with great fervor and emotion -- the distinguished but elderly scientists are then, after all, right.

Cleveland's Highway Law: Highways in the worst need of repair naturally have low traffic counts, which results in low priority for repair work.

Davidson's Maxim: Democracy is that form of government where everybody gets what the majority deserves.

Funkhouser's Law of the Power of the Press: The quality of legislation passed to deal with a problem is inversely proportional to the volume of media clamor that brought it on.

Twain's Rule: Only kings, editors, and people with tapeworm have the right to use the editorial "we".

Heinlein's Law: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Corollary: Any sufficiently high level of stupidity is indistinguishable from malice. (And should be dealt with in the same manner.)




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